PSYCH-K® for Creatives

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Creative Blocks

No doubt about it and whilst I believe as humans, we are ALL creative, there is something different about a person who identifies as “a Creative”.

As Creatives, we develop blocks that inhibit us from achieving our true potential. We have made decisions in our past and have created beliefs that stop us expressing our greatness and achieving the success we deserve.

Roz Beaver

Examples of Beliefs Many Creatives Experience

Some of the false beliefs I’ve experienced with
creatives over the years (including my own) are:

• I’m not talented enough • I’m not disciplined enough • I’m too young • I’m too old now
• What if I fail? • You can’t make a living as a creative • No one wants to hear what I have to say
• I’m too busy looking after the family • I have a mortgage to pay
• I’ve missed my opportunity or left it too late

Do any of these sound familiar? Can you relate?

How can PSYCH-K® Assist Creatives?

Follow Your Authentic Path

Life often presents us with the opportunity to change direction and follow a more authentic path. Fear of failure for many people is the obstacle to breaking through and finding freedom and success in their careers and their life in general.

No matter how old you are, or what stage of life you are at, a PSYCH-K® session can assist you break free from the mental blocks you have operating in your subconscious and help you move forward and realise your dreams.

How can PSYCH-K® Assist Creatives?

In a PSYCH-K® session, we identify the underlying beliefs that are negatively impacting your present reality, create new goal statements that align with where/what you are wanting to create in your life so you can achieve the success that flows naturally when you are aligned with your true purpose.

“The process is simple, quick and powerful. Change can literally take place in a matter of moments.” – Roz Beaver

How PSYCH-K® Helped Overcome Performance Anxiety

As an example, I worked with a Yr 12 student suffering from performance anxiety around playing the grand piano in front of an audience. Although she could easily perform at home, sitting in front of the grand piano in a hall created enormous stress, often resulting in her forgetting her performance pieces.

Solution: After identifying and balancing 3 limiting beliefs, her action step was to play the grand piano in front of me. It was such a special moment as I watched her “make friends” with the piano, sit on the stool, “feel” the keys under her fingers and begin to play. She was genuinely elated that she had done something she had feared only an hour before without any of the fear based symptoms of “shaking hands and forgetting notes”.


Situations PSYCH-K® can help creatives

  • Worrying what others think
  • Performance anxiety
  • Exams and presentations
  • Apply for jobs and job/panel interviews
  • Starting a new business or creating a new product
  •  Relationships
  • Self Confidence

Book a FREE, no obligation, 15 minute Clarity Call to discuss how PSYCH-K® can help you free your mind and step into your creative future.