PSYCH-K® for Adults

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Common Struggles

Human behaviour is automatic and driven by the subconscious mind. Most of us are not even aware of the beliefs that block our road to success. Consequently, we get stuck in a pattern of continually re-creating the same results: toxic relationships, financial hardship, anxiety and stress.

PSYCH-K® enables individuals to reprogram their subconscious mind and achieve a fulfilled and happy life.

• Inability to follow through on goals
• Frustration with lack of personal and professional achievements
• Constant negative thinking
• Experiencing stress and anxiety
• Past trauma negatively impacting your life
• Stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships

Lighthouse on the seashore


PSYCH-K® can help you transform your relationships, job performance, self-esteem, athletic performance
weight loss, prosperity, even your physical health.

Here are some of the areas it can help you:


  • Improve communication
  • Create more love in your life
  • Forgiveness


  • Confidence in yourself
  • Develop a positive mindset
  • Love YOU


  • Create a healthy lifestyle
  • Achieve fitness goals
  • Freedom from anxiety and depression


  • Transform the perception of stress and anxiety
  • Let go of past traumas
  • Discover how to balance emotions


  • Identify limiting beliefs
  • Create a positive mind set
  • Program your subconscious to help achieve your goals


  • Discover your passion
  • Set and achieve career goals
  • Create a successful career path

If you have a sense that there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing, a few
sessions of PSYCH-K® can help you shift from despondency and despair to mental and
emotional freedom and living a life on purpose.

“I came to see Roz to unblock some aspects of my life that had not been making the progress I
desired due to my lack of confidence. Establishing clear desires and then using the PSYCH-K®
techniques to anchor them physically, I have been able to move forward with increased confidence
and these aspects of my life are making progress again. Forever grateful.” – Kylie, 49 years old

Star fish on sea shore


Book a free, no obligation 15 minute clarity call to discuss how PSYCH-K® can help you or BOOK A PSYCH-K® SESSION.